Serenity Spirit Stones

Find Tranquility in Every Crystal


If you purchased one of our "Let's Get Buttered" (Body Butter Candles), you would have discovered a beautiful stone inside!

Below, you will find information about the stone that's been revealed and the properties within that stone and what it is telling you! You can hang these beautiful stones in your window at home or put in a special place near you.

A bunch of different colored rocks are laying out


Agate stones come in all different colors and bring balance and harmony to the mind, body, and spirit. Each stone has its own unique character, like our candles!

Did you know, the Native American Indians used Moss Agate as a stone of strength, and it was successfully used to improve weather conditions.

Serenity Spirit Candles can't claim our stones will change the weather, but do hope you enjoyed your "Let's Get Buttered Candle" and stone within! Pick another candle for yourself , family member, or friend, and see what stone is revealed next!


Blue Agate, is soothing and allows you to be in balance. The stone affects the throat chakra, which is responsible for your ability to express your thoughts freely. One of the healing properties of blue lace agate is throat healing.


Turquoise Agate, dispels negative energy and can be worn to protect against outside influences or pollutants in the atmosphere. Turquoise balances and aligns all the chakras, stabilising mood swings and instilling inner calm. It is excellent for depression and exhaustion.


Purple Agate, can help you to keep a positive attitude and energy, which will affect your efficiency in work and other affairs. The stone also makes you strong and able to pass different difficulties of life. Purple agate is often used as a talisman to protect you from various troubles.


Green Agate, helps one to make decisions more quickly, and also increases vitality and strength, especially in times when it is lacking. Green agate is said to bring courage to its wearer.


Black Agate, is a stone of balance and power. It’s believed to bring the wearer inner strength, courage, and protection from negative energy. As a symbol of balance, it helps us find equilibrium in our lives by providing stability during times of transition or stress. Furthermore, it has healing benefits that can provide direct physical, mental, and emotional relief.


Pink Agate, relieves stress and helps one feel comfortable and safe. The stone is used to restore the heart chakra, as well as to treat heart disease. In Ancient Egypt, they thought that it provided specific protection against natural disasters. The stone even appeared in the Bible. It was one of 12 gemstones on Aron’s breastplate, a tool used to communicate with God a millennium before the birth of Jesus.

Pink Agate is the ultimate energy shield. It’s said to create a barrier around your auric field to keep you safe from negativity. 


Yellow Agate, the revitalizing crystal is said to reinforce courage, confidence, happiness and prosperity into our lives.


Orange Agate, promotes emotional stability, courage, equilibrium, and persistence in the heart, soul, and essence. This orange crystal is famous for its ability to soothe and calm the aura, making it an ideal grounding stone for people with solid energy levels.


Brown Agate, is a comforting and protective stone, promoting courage and support in spiritual development and maturity. It's soothing energies aid in grieving and loneliness, and relieves depression.


White Agate, has been associated with inner balance, emotional release, and spiritual growth, making it a popular choice in holistic healing and meditation practices. The stone is believed to promote harmony between an individual's masculine and feminine sides, helping to release toxins and boost the immune system.

*Note that healing gemstone meanings are not prescriptions or healthcare information.